Archive for August, 2005


For those of you who have lived in Texas, you know how true this is. They actually have a Chili Cook-off about the time Halloween comes around. It takes up a major portion of a parking lot at the San Antonio City park.

The notes are from an inexperienced Chili taster named Frank, who was visiting from Springfield, IL.



For those part of the Asteroids and Space Invaders generation, check this cool Futurama clip my co-worker sent me (Thanks Steve!).

It’s full of references to old, ehhh classic (that’s what I meant), arcade games!


In June, I quit Vitria and we sold our house. Needless to say, it was rather hectic 3 months for me between April and June. I had a week off between jobs and needed to unwind; so I grabbed my camera along with a tripod and took off to Yosemite by myself for 2 days.

Yosemite Valley was just spectacular in June, prettier than I ever remember. The heavy and wet winter fuels the waterfalls, wild flowers were blooming everywhere, bears and deers were out feeding… It was a great place to unwind and take pictures. I finally get a chance to try experiment with my new camera. I did wish that I had a wide angle lense. Though only a few of the pictures came out decent, I was satisfied with the results. Not bad for the first photo trip. I can only get better… 😉

Here’s the photo gallery of the trip:/trips/yosemite_2005


We took the kids on a week trip to Oahu at the end of July. First real vacation trip for both Katelyn & Allison. The kids had fun and didn’t give Daddy & Mommy any troubles, so all in all it was a good summer trip for the whole family.

Here’re the photos:trips/hawaii_2005


So, after a 3 month-long downtime, I finally spent the time bringing my blog back online. I was forced to shut it down mainly because we moved in June and was without net access for some time as a result. Between the move & new job, reviving the blog was buried deep in my long to-do list.

Finally, it’s time to get to it and this time, I decided to stop running my own server– these pages now are being pushed to you by First thing I will try to do is to post pictures from our Hawaii trip last week. It will take a few weeks before I manage to migrate my old blog content over and finish the design of the site. So in the meantime pardon the dust…