In June, I quit Vitria and we sold our house. Needless to say, it was rather hectic 3 months for me between April and June. I had a week off between jobs and needed to unwind; so I grabbed my camera along with a tripod and took off to Yosemite by myself for 2 days.

Yosemite Valley was just spectacular in June, prettier than I ever remember. The heavy and wet winter fuels the waterfalls, wild flowers were blooming everywhere, bears and deers were out feeding… It was a great place to unwind and take pictures. I finally get a chance to try experiment with my new camera. I did wish that I had a wide angle lense. Though only a few of the pictures came out decent, I was satisfied with the results. Not bad for the first photo trip. I can only get better… 😉

Here’s the photo gallery of the trip:/trips/yosemite_2005