Archive for March, 2006


Audrey Woulard is a professional photographer in the Chicago area specializing in children portraiture. I think her photos are just gorgeous and inspiring for shutterbugs like me… check out her amazing online gallery. Some of the photos gave me ideas to try out with our kids…


A conversation in the car with Katelyn this past weekend:

Suzanne: “What’s mommy’s favorite color, Katelyn?”
Katelyn: “Your favorite color is yellow!”
Rex: “What’s Daddy’s favorite color?”
K: “Blue!”
R: “What’s Katelyn’s favorite color?”
K: “Yellow, white, black, pink, and red”
R & S: laughing
S: “Honey, you can only have 1 favorite. That’s what favorite means…”
R: “So which is your favorite color then?”
K: “All of them. They are all my favorite colors because they’re all in my heart…”