

A little company developed an iPhone application that fakes calls to yourself. Ha! A great meeting escape-hatch.

A Sweet and simple app…


This is cool if you have children like me. The full Wikipedia for Schools selection has been made available on a DVD. It’s a free and community-based alternative to Microsoft Encarta and the likes. Very cool…

K&A may be a bit too young for this, but I’ll make them a copy and check it out.

You can download it via BitTorrent here.


There are some folks that claim iPhone makes up as much as 40% of Apple’s revenue. How many companies can claim that type of success with their 1st or 2nd generation product in a brand new industry? The company is on a tear. In fact, it’s already supplanting older and more established products like Macs & iPods as the bread-winner.

The company’s recent string of hit products is just amazing if you remember the old days of Gil Amelio. Whatever happened to him?



One thing I like about Chrome is that it’s fast and light. It starts up fast and performs zippier than Firefox. The memory footprint is about 1/3 to half of that uses by Firefox as the screen shot below shows. Both where running with a single tab opened. Not surprising since I have a few of Firefox plugins installed. Firefox started out as a light version of Mozilla, but has gotten fattened up a bit over the years. I’d like to think the bloat is for richer features and extensible plugins. It’s still my browser of choice, but I am finding that I’m firing up Chrome more & more when I want some quick surfing.


I believe I ran into a bug with iTunes.

A few weeks ago, the credit card I was using on iTunes was replaced. As soon as I got the new replacement, I updated my iTunes account with the new card. Starting then, I wasn’t able to make purchases or update my existing iPhone apps. I’d get the error msg “The iTunes Store is unable to process purchases at this time” each time on my home PC, work PC and my iPhone itself. So it’s clear, it’s a server bug not client. I roamed the forums but didn’t see anything helpful.

The workaround? I create a new iTunes account and now I can make purchases & updates finally.


Just installed the new iPhone app from WordPress. Sweet…
Blogging this post from my iPhone! 🙂


Sometimes instead of running several sessions of SSH’s or putty’s, I run Emacs with multiple shells– this cuts down on the number of windows I have to deal with.

To run a shell in Emacs, you invoke the Lisp function “shell” via meta-x shell. This creates a buffer called *shell*. Running it the second time though doesn’t create a 2nd shell buffer as you might expect, instead it brings you back to the original shell buffer. The trick is to rename the original buffer to avoid name collision. The quickest way to do this is via “rename-uniquely" function via meta-x rename-uniquely. It renames the buffer to a similar but unique name like "*shell*<2>“. Now if you start another shell.

The better behavior is for Emacs to automatically create new buffer with unique name. Perhaps there’s a hook to configure this that somebody can point me to.


I was lining up at the AT&T store last night to pick up my iPhone. This one guy at the front of the line picked up his phone a few minutes earlier and came up to the employee:

Guy: “Where’s the wand to my iPhone?”

Employee: “What wand?”

G: “You know the thing you write on the screen with.”

E: “Oh, iPhone doesn’t have one, you don’t need it!”

G: “Then how am I going to write it?”

E: “You use your finger, it’s a touch screen.”

G: “But I need a wand”

E: “You really don’t need it, let me show you…”

E: showed the guy how to use it

G: “I want my wand, where’s my wand?”

The episode cracks me & all the folks at the store up. And it goes to show some people are buying into this iPhone craze without really understanding the product they’re buying. 🙂

Ah, the omnipotence of Steve Jobs…


Where’s that bandwagon that is iPhone? 🙂 After skipping out on the 1st generation, I decided that I too will join the iPhone generation. I was one of those dorks that lined up when iPhone 3G was launched. They ran out of the model I wanted, so I placed an order rather than settle with the available models.

Anyway, my unit finally came & I picked it up last night. It’s a beautiful device and I can’t wait to put it through the paces! If only I can pry them from my girls’ hands… The fact that even my 4 year old can operate with easy the first time is a tribute to its design. They’re all over it.


Last week was the big launch of Firefox. This week, Eclipse Ganymede will be launched tomorrow.

Eclipse is a popular open source IDE. Each year, the Eclipse Foundation ships annual releases, so far around the summer. It’s a release vehicle where all major Eclipse projects release & synchronize their code. The Ganymede (all releases are named after Jupiter’s moons) release this year represents a simultaneous release of 24 eclipse projects– an incredible scheduling feat if you ask me.

I’ve been using several release candidates and so far so good. For an overview of the new features, check out this article. Coolest feature is probably muti-core CPU support.

So, go get the bits here.

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