Gabe Pruitt, starting guard for USC, got spanked bad this past week. It was a brilliant prank by some Cal students who posed as “Victoria” online and seduced him with sexy chat & pictures. Pruitt totally bought it, line & sinker\; he made plans to meet up with “Victoria” at Westwood after the game against Cal. Imagine Pruitt’s total horror when chants began by Cal fans when stepped up for his free-throws: “Victoria, Victoria!” Then comes “Who’s he going to call? Victoria, Victoria, Victoria….” Pruitt’s expression pictured here is all too funny as some started chanting out “Victoria’s” phone number. Hard copies of their chat transcripts of their chats were even handed out at the game.

The poor guy went on to have a miserable game: shooting 3 for 13 as USC lost the game to Cal. Classic! Even Pruitt admitted later that it was a good prank… 🙂