I was so disgusted by the months long fight over the name “Little Saigon” in San Jose city council. If you’re not a Silicon Valley local, you may not be familiar with the “controversy” over naming a business district “Little Saigon” that took months to resolve and involved world class drama that included disruptive protests, recalling an elected official and even a hunger strike by a well-known fanatic. As far as I know the city hadn’t solved the issues of crimes, corruption, homelessness etc… So, it made you stop and go WTF?

Now there are signs of political backlash against Vietnamese candidates. Gee, that’s a surprise… It’s funny now that everybody is blaming everyone else for their dismal showing in recent election. A recent Vietnamese candidate who gathered a mere 760 votes, blamed the council woman for her humiliating showing, how dignified! The ridiculous drama wasn’t just embarrassing to witness but also undid years of political advances of the local Asian communities.

I know I’ll never vote for these folks in the future, let alone folks outside of the Asian community. What idiots!