The WarI am highly anticipating the coming PBS documentary called “The War.” It’s a documentary film about World War II by Ken Burns. I have a fascination with that era and the generation that lived (or died) through the war.

I like documentary films in general, but I particular dig Burns’ works– he’s masterful at driving home the big stories by diving down to detailed personal affairs and relationships that most other film makers and historians neglect.

His films usually carry an air of authenticity and intimacy through personal interviews and his innovative use of old black and white prints and photos (the so called Ken Burns Effect). His work doesn’t rely on actors like a lot of modern documentaries to tell a story. I really hate that; nothing kill genuineness more than the use live actors in documentaries in my opinion. This is probably why I think stuffs on History channel are mostly crap!

Too bad this series will not be narrated by David McCullough who did the narration in many of Burns’ films. 🙁