
Next to weather, the next best thing about the summer for me is the summer fruits. I like strolling the local farmers market and see endless display of colorful fruits. My girls just can’t get enough of strawberries, cherries, pluots and pineapple, Suzanne likes crunchy white peaches. I dig just about anything, but my favorite is probably apricots.

Several weeks ago, Mercury News’ Food & Wine ran an article about “luscious” Alphonso mangoes. These are pricey mangoes imported from India for the first time in 2 decades. The article described these supposedly kings of mangoes:

“With its fragrance of buttery vanilla shortbread cookies and flesh as sensuously smooth as the creamiest pudding…”

That sounded enticing enough for my curiosity. The mangoes are imported via flight in small quantities and only Indian shops carry them. So I took the girls and stopped by a local Indian bakery in Sunnyvale that following weekend. The proprietor was pushing me to buy the whole case. We bought 3 to try; and at $4 for each tiny one, they were pricey alright.

That night, we tried them. First, I wasn’t happy that 2 of the 3 turned out bad. They do definitely has a distinctly pungent taste and smell but it isn’t nearly as exotic as the article made them out to be. Perhaps I am less impressed because I recognized the taste right away though. I’ve had them before but just don’t remember where or when. I’m glad I got to try them but while I’m no food critic but I concluded that they are a little over-rated and a lot over-priced.

I’ll spend my $12 on champagne mangoes from Mexico next time!